7 Steps to Avoid Before Installing Epoxy Tiles

This is an interesting topic, as epoxy floors can create beautiful and unique surfaces. Sometimes however, they can also produce ugly results. Epoxy floors can sometimes go wrong and there are many reasons.

This article will show you how to install epoxy flooring and all of the other benefits.

What are the causes of flooring products failing?
Here are seven reasons to use

1. Poor surface preparation:
An old surface must be ready for epoxy coating. To coat the epoxy, you must first grind the surface.

2. Humidity
The second reason is humidity. Epoxy products aren’t able to bond well with humidity. It is important to dry the surface completely before you coat epoxy.You don’t need any humidity and wetness.

3. Substrate Weak
The third reason epoxy floors might fail is a weak substrate. This happens when you apply the epoxy floor product to low-quality concrete. It cracks because the cement is too weak.

So it isn’t the epoxy floor that fails, but rather the cement underneath. The slide explains that the cement actually separates it from the cement.

4. No primer
Before flooring installation can begin, it is necessary to prime the surface. The primer seals and penetrates your pores. It makes it easier for adhesion, bonding, and other processes to occur.

You must ensure that this primer is able to bond with concrete. You should remember that floors get heavy wear and tear. This is why you need to make sure that the primer adheres well to concrete blocks.

5. Incomplete surface
Incompatible surfaces are the fifth cause of epoxy floors failing. This is a very important reason, although it does not happen as often as other reasons. It can happen that the substrate isn’t compatible with epoxies.

For example, epoxy should not be coated on wood. Wood can bend very easily so it is best to avoid this. It will split if the material is too flexible. Epoxy that is too flexible will crack.Therefore, it is essential that you ensure that everything underneath has the same level of strength. Epoxy is a strong concrete. You don’t want to cover the wood. lining.

6. Contaminated flooring
The sixth and most serious reason epoxy floors may fail is contamination. It could be an old floor from a shop, factory, or car repair shop. This floor might have been exposed to chemicals and oils over the years. What happens is that epoxy will react to the epoxy coating and it won’t bond. It is crucial to clean the surface immediately.

7. Bad Mixing of Resins and Hardeners
The seventh reason was the wrong resin/hardener mix. It is necessary to use epoxy in order pack systems that have both a harderener and a resin. Before you can actually apply the product, it is necessary to have a properly balanced mixture of the two.

These usually come prepackaged. People make one fatal error: they assume you don’t have to weigh exactly the proportions of each A-component.

They believe all this mixing together will be fine.Mixing the product in the right proportions is crucial. You should also use an electrical mixer. Some people think they can just use a stick to mix the product. This is not true.An electrical mixer is needed to make a uniform mixture across the bucket. If epoxy isn’t properly cured, it will stick to your hands. It might also be sticky or it might not cure. Mixing is important. Mix it well by following the instructions.

By Londyn